2024 Families Equip Course
Parenting Tools for all Seasons – A five-week course
Parenting is a gift but it can be challenging, confusing, chaotic & confidence-crushing… We’d love you to join us for this five-week course based on the Mothers Union course Families Equip: Parenting Tools for all Seasons. You will gain tools, information and an opportunity to reflect and consider together what might work for you as you parent your particular child or children. This is a chance to reflect, regroup and reboot… Invite a friend, family member or neighbour to come along… everyone is welcome.
“Great Course, very worth doing. Presents great practical strategies to implement with kids and helps with encouraging and growing parents to be prepared and improve relationships with their kids.” Previous course participant
Our leaders have completed training to run this course. The cost of $35 is per family (concession available). Baby-sitting options may be available, please let us know if you will need babysitting.
Please note: To work around other events the course dates are not all consecutive Saturdays: 10 August, 24 August, 7 September, 21 September and 28 September
Click the RSVP button to let us know you’re coming.
For more information please fill out the form below: