Easter 2020 livestream

9am Good Friday

On the night before he died, Jesus gathered for a meal with his closest disciples. During that meal he did two things: wash his disciples’ feet and share bread and wine with them. Two simple, intimate and profound things that would help them and us to understand the meaning of his death.

BYO Lord’s Supper

As part of our Good Friday service, we’ll share in a BYO Lord’s Supper together. We encourage you to involve your whole household and most importantly plan ahead. Grab some bread or crackers, some grape juice or wine and have them ready to go before the service starts. Dave will lead us through it towards the end of the service so we can share it as a church family!

9am Easter Sunday

We’re living through a time of anxiety and uncertainty. Into our world Jesus speaks these words: “Do not let your hearts be troubled: trust in God, trust also in me.” Jesus helps us to see that his death and resurrection provide a certain hope for the future and a profound comfort in the present.

Join us as we declare the wonderful news: Christ is risen… he is risen indeed!