January 2021 restrictions update


Good news! With no community transition of COVID-19 in the past two weeks, restrictions have eased for church this weekend. This means we have plenty of capacity once again for everyone to come along to our Sunday gatherings.

We’d love to see you face to face at the Ministry Centre this Sunday:

8.30am – with kids/teen church (also livestreamed)
10.30am – with kids/teen church
5pm – Church@5

After check-in kids and teens will head straight to their groups. Remember masks are still mandatory indoors for anyone over the age of twelve. We’d also love you to stay and enjoy a cuppa with us after church.

Please note: the 1pm service is now cancelled. We’re so grateful to everyone who came along to this service to enable more people to join us at the other services.

We look forward to seeing you Sunday!