Good News Week 2021 has been cancelled

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The NSW Premier announced new restrictions from today that impact The Lakes Church immediately. Three major changes are: 

1. The introduction of MANDATORY mask-wearing at church; 
2. A site limit of 100 worshippers; 
3. No non-essential gatherings. 

What does this mean for us?

Sadly GNW has been cancelled for this year. This outreach has been a wonderful way of connecting with our community for the past 19 years however GNW cannot take place this week.

Our Sunday gatherings will now be limited to 100 (as they were 2 months ago) and masks are now mandatory. We will continue running all three services (8.30am, 10.30am and 5pm) within these limitations. Our livestream will continue to operate at 8.30am, visit:

Our COVID Committee will monitor any further changes and consider how best to adhere to government requirements, while maintaining every appropriate opportunity to encourage one another.

Please pray for our community: that God will keep us safe from this virus, soften hearts, and continue to grow his church amidst these uncertain times.

David and Ruth Sheath