Due to the temporary restrictions announced by the NSW Premier yesterday, face masks will be mandatory for everyone who attends our services this weekend (see exemptions below). There are a number of church activities affected by the restrictions over the next week which are outlined below. These are based on the current Public Health Order.

Sunday services at the Ministry Centre

Our services are still on and we have plenty of space for everyone. We’ll be humming and clapping along to our band instead of singing, but we will still pray together, hear God’s word and encourage each other over refreshments after the services. Morning tea/supper will be available outside, prepared and served in a COVID-safe way. Please note the following:

  • No congregational singing during worship
  • Bring a mask (face masks are compulsory indoors and outdoors – see exemptions below)
  • Keep at least one seat gap between households in the main hall
  • Practice physical distancing when talking with people who are not from your own household
  • Greet others without making contact
  • Wash your hands & use hand sanitiser
  • Cough or sneeze into your arm
  • Stay home if sick!

Growth Groups in homes

Growth Groups meeting in homes are limited to five people, including children.

Growth Groups at the Ministry Centre

  • Masks must be worn indoors and outdoors (see exemptions below)
  • The 4m2 rule applies to room capacities

Lakes Youth Extreme on Friday night

Leaders and children are NOT required to wear masks at Lakes Youth Extreme, however parents must wear masks when dropping off or picking up kids.

Lakes Youth Camp

The camp is going ahead however please note the following:

  • The campsite has offered extra accommodation to allow for physical distancing
  • No congregational singing during worship
  • Facemasks will NOT be required for youth and leaders during camp, in line with guidelines for education programs
  • Facemasks will be required by parents picking up and dropping off kids at the camp

State of Origin night after Church@5

This event is cancelled. There will be a dinner after Church@5 on 4th July.

Seniors Day

  • Masks must be worn indoors and outdoors (see exemptions below)
  • No congregational singing
  • Held in the main hall to allow physical distancing

Funeral on Monday

  • Masks must be worn indoors and outdoors (see exemptions below)
  • No congregational singing
  • Held in the main hall to allow physical distancing

Church office and Ministry Centre during the week

Everyone who visits, volunteers or works in the church office or the Ministry Centre during the week will be required to wear a mask (see exemptions below).

Exemptions to mask-wearing

In accordance with NSW Government guidelines, the following people do not need to wear masks at the Ministry Centre: children 12 years and under while in church, singers/speakers on stage, teachers and children in Kids Church, anyone while eating or drinking. For a full list of exemptions click here.

The NSW Premier announced new restrictions from today that impact The Lakes Church immediately. Three major changes are: 

1. The introduction of MANDATORY mask-wearing at church; 
2. A site limit of 100 worshippers; 
3. No non-essential gatherings. 

What does this mean for us?

Sadly GNW has been cancelled for this year. This outreach has been a wonderful way of connecting with our community for the past 19 years however GNW cannot take place this week.

Our Sunday gatherings will now be limited to 100 (as they were 2 months ago) and masks are now mandatory. We will continue running all three services (8.30am, 10.30am and 5pm) within these limitations. Our livestream will continue to operate at 8.30am, visit: www.thelakes.net.au/live

Our COVID Committee will monitor any further changes and consider how best to adhere to government requirements, while maintaining every appropriate opportunity to encourage one another.

Please pray for our community: that God will keep us safe from this virus, soften hearts, and continue to grow his church amidst these uncertain times.

David and Ruth Sheath

Many of you loved the animation of the song “Jerusalem” by CityAlight that we showed during our Good Friday service. As we don’t have the permissions to share it with you here, we found another, also beautiful version that you might like to watch. Credits below…

Director / Animator / Illustrator: Danny Yap
Music: Jerusalem by CityAlight from their 2015 album “Yours Alone”

Salt online

Our Salt youth team recognises that it’s been a while since your teens have had an opportunity to connect with one another. This is why we’re running Salt through the school holidays on the 17th and 24th of April, continuing on into term 2. We had an encouraging gathering last Friday and it was great to see so many of our teens connecting and engaging with each other and God’s word.

7pm Fridays

Video chat sessions with organised activities will start from 7pm. We’ll catch up and play a game all together, hear a talk from the Bible and then split up into age and gender groups to do a short bible study and chat.Parents of current Salt teens will have received the zoom link via email. If you’d like more info or the link for your teen to join, please contact Mel Clement (her details are in the church directory). Save the date and let your teens know!

Kids Holiday Club online

Salt Lite will not be running during the school holidays, however we’re running a Kids Club for K-6 children to catch up with each other and have some fun together. Our kids ministry leaders can’t wait to hang out with them!

Wednesdays & Fridays during the school holidays at 5pm-5.30pm

Parents of current K-6 children will have received the zoom link via email. If you’d like more info or the link for your child to join, please contact Mel Clement (her details are in the church directory). Save the date and let your kids know!

From this week our Kids Church team will provide material for the whole family to be doing at home. This will include activities for church online as well as separate resources to use mid-week that line up with our current Kids Church curriculum. These will be available through email as well under Kids Church Downloads on this page. We hope this is a great opportunity for your family to be encouraged together as we partner with you in discipling your children.

Concerned about doing church at home? Ask your kids to help set up! They’ll have ideas about what you need (pencils, bibles, morning tea, craft, toys for toddlers etc). Encourage them to own the process and take part in helping. We’ll also be posting ideas and resources here in the future so be sure to stay tuned.